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Dumont Tweezers Style 5/45, Polished, Inox 08

Dumont Tweezers Style 5/45, Polished, Inox 08
原 產(chǎn) 地:


Dumont公司始于1875年,位于*的瑞士制表工業(yè)區(qū)La Sagne,以其獨特的手工鑷子聞名于世界。鑷子剛開始時主要提供給制表工業(yè)使用,如今已經(jīng)跨越制表行業(yè),得到很多科學(xué)研究者的推崇。Dumont鑷子材質(zhì)多樣,做工精良,經(jīng)久耐用,是杰出鑷子工具的代表。 
生物級別:使用Dumoxel steel、Dumostar、INOX等材料制造,高品質(zhì)的不銹鋼。生物級別的鑷子均有著精細的尖部、無磁、抗腐蝕,這些特性幾乎可以滿足您的精密的實驗室工作

Dumont Tweezers Style 5/45, Polished, Inox 08


The manufacture is home to both traditional expertise and cutting-edge technologies. Our tools are entirely manufactured by our company and bear the stamp of 'A. Dumont & Fils Made in Switzerland' on the inside. The material itself therefore shows the product origin. It is our quest for perfection that has enabled us to maintain our reputation as a market leader in tweezers manufacturing.

Dumont Tweezers Style 5/45, Polished, Inox 08

A true tool manufacture

Dumont has continued this tradition since its foundation in 1881. It is one of the last tweezer manufactures to carry out all of its production in Switzerland and is an independent, family-owned business. The company enjoys complete financial and creative autonomy, allowing it to design, develop and manufacture what specialists widely agree to be the world's best tweezers.

Independence and philosophy

The shrewd vision of the family that has run Dumont since its foundation has enabled the company to preserve its most precious assets – complete independence and a philosophy of excellence. It has overcome economic and family setbacks, as well as the challenges of the third millennium, by combining industrial efficiency, human values and environmental considerations. Dumont oversees the entire manufacturing process using its own quality criteria.

A tradition of innovation

Innovation remains the key to our success. Dumont continues some of the oldest traditions, while at the same time pushing the boundaries of steel manufacturing. Throughout its history, it has created innovative tools (the most famous being numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) that have since been imitated the world over, as well as making major discoveries. These discoveries have all been patented.





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深圳市澤拓生物科技有限公司 專業(yè)提供:大小鼠解剖器械包,瑞士Sipel真空泵,美國EMS電鏡耗材
深圳市澤拓生物科技有限公司版權(quán)所有   |   技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)
聯(lián)系電話:0755-23003036   傳真:0755-23003036-807 GoogleSitemap 備案號:粵ICP備17105262號  管理登陸
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